A horrifying accident in Alakija, Lagos, has left three people dead as a BRT bus collided with a motorcycle, also known as an Okada. The incident has sparked concerns about the safety of Okada riders and passengers who often venture into BRT lanes, potentially risking their lives.
A video of the accident, which surfaced online, captured the tragic moment of the devastating outcome after the motorcycle and the BRT bus collided. In the video, a concerned onlooker was heard pleading with Okada riders not to use the BRT lane, emphasizing the dangers involved. He also urged passengers to disembark if their Okada operators insisted on taking the BRT lane.
However, the impact of the collision resulted in the tragic loss of three lives. Investigations into the accident are ongoing, and authorities are working to establish the sequence of events that led to this devastating incident.
This tragic accident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of adhering to traffic rules and regulations, especially in busy urban areas like Lagos. Authorities are urging all road users to prioritize safety and exercise caution when navigating the city’s streets.
As the community mourns the loss of three lives, there is a renewed call for increased road safety awareness and measures to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. Road users are encouraged to stay vigilant, respect traffic laws, and prioritize safety at all times to protect lives and prevent such heart-wrenching incidents.