A couple are demanding compensation after sitting next to a dog that ‘ruined’ their flight. The duo from New Zealand are seeking a refund from Singapore Airlines (SIA) after a fellow passenger’s four-legged friend was ‘snorting’ and ‘farting’ for hours.
Ms Gill Press and her husband Warren, reportedly bought two premium economy seats for their 13-hour flight from Paris to Singapore back in June. The two had expected a greater level of comfort from the upgraded seats, but were dismayed after finding a passenger beside them had brought their emotional support dog.
“I heard this noise – a heavy snorting,” Ms Press told news outlet Stuff. She said: “I thought it was my husband’s phone, but we looked down and realised it was the dog breathing. I said, ‘I’m not having this sitting next to us the whole trip’.”
Press claimed that she overheard the dog’s owner telling another passenger that he gets anxious and therefore can have a support dog with him in the cabin. However, Press explained that it appeared as though it was the dog who was the one in distress.