A commercial driver, Ibrahim Yusuf, has been arrested by the police after he allegedly stabbed and slit the throat of Awotola Victor, an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA), over enforcement of traffic rules.
The incident reportedly occurred over the weekend at about 3.30 pm at the Ojodu-Berger area of Lagos state.
It was gathered that on that fateful weekend, Awotola was on his duty post alongside his colleagues when the mini-bus (Korope) with number plate, KJA 953 YE was impounded over a willful obstruction.
Yusuf was said to have disappeared from the scene only to reappear with a big knife with which he stabbed the official on the head and neck whilst he escaped afterward with the aid of the street urchins around the area but the officials applied professional effort and prevented him from moving the vehicle away.