In the quaint village of Miyakoji, Japan, a chilling discovery was made in 1989 by primary school teacher Yumi Tanaka. While peering into the toilet bowl, she encountered an unexpected sight – a floating black shoe. Investigating further led her to the grim revelation of a man’s body in the sewer tank outside.
The peculiar incident unfolded as the body was removed and found in an unconventional position, having somehow squeezed through the narrow 14″ diameter septic opening. Upon identification, the deceased was revealed to be 26-year-old Naoyuki Kanno.
Investigations suggested that Kanno had entered the waste tank, possibly attempting to peer up the toilet when women were using it. The unusual circumstances surrounding his demise hinted at an accidental entry, leading to hypothermia and ultimately claiming his life. The mystery of Miyakoji continues to intrigue with this bizarre event from 1989.